Service Improvement
As healthcare planners and OD/change management consultants, B+A recognise the significant potential associated with every planned service change and are experienced at working with the individuals and groups involved to ensure that changes realise the best outcomes possible.
(Including Leadership and Organisational Development, Change Management, Service and Process redesign, Lean/ SixSigma, Quality/ Productivity improvement, Developing New Models of Care)

As well as facilitating change and service improvement, we provide real constructive challenge to, and on behalf of, all stakeholder groups whilst supporting them to change both practice and paradigm.
With a combination of clinical expertise, operational experience and depth and breadth of quality and productivity improvement science, our team is well-positioned to support you in redesigning, testing and implementing new models of care in advance of (or entirely independently of) infrastructure change. B+A are able to offer the support, experience, and empathy to develop the relationships required to unlock change, allow improvement to flourish, and to effectively measure the impact of change.