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About Buchan + Associates

We are a specialist Health and Social care consultancy practice passionate about strategy, planning and improvement in the NHS, social care, third sector, 
independent care and international settings.

Over the last 28 years, our team have provided advice and support on programmes and projects that have ranged from GP premises re-development to multi-hundred million-pound investment and change programmes. Our knowledge and experience enables us to challenge, share, innovate and encourage best practice in the development of new services and facilities to support the ever-changing health and social care landscape.

We collaborate, support and challenge


Client Engagements



Expert Clinical Associates

£2.3 bn

Current Capital Planning Value



M2 Area in Planning

At B+A we recognise that health and care are both about prevention and wellbeing whilst delivering the best safe, effective and person-centred care where intervention is required.  


We use a variety of approaches to capture patient experience, solicit ideas and facilitate participation in the healthcare planning process.

We recommend that patient and public representatives who have had direct experience or exposure to specific service and treatment pathways participate in meetings, workshops, or focus groups at key points in a programme, together with our team and client stakeholders. 

It is also crucial to involve ‘independent’ public representatives who come from a fresh standpoint e.g. a younger person's perspective and those able to provide a technology or digital viewpoint.

Our Core Values

We practice what we preach

People & Integrity

We support our people and our clients to develop and grow. We value honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility as the fundamentals of Integrity

Adding Value

We work hard to ensure we always add value in our client and partner relationships, remaining accessible and responsive, and following through on our commitments

Challenge & Innovation

We engage with our clients, providing constructive challenge where required, promote innovation and encourage the adoption of best practice

High Performance

We expect high performance from our team members and partners, and work with our clients to support them in achieving and measuring improvement


Our approach is to collaborate, engage and integrate with clients and partner organisations to maximise potential and optimise service quality 

Our Accreditations

We are recognised with the following certifications and accreditations:

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Let's chat


01436 679100


127 Sinclair Street
G84 9AT

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